COST-STSM-TU1201-14430 - Allotment and urban gardens in Vienna from the inner city to the urban fringe
Name: Mr Mikkel Mltoft Jensen
Degree: Master student in Architecture
Home Institution: Department of Architecture and Design at Aalborg University in Denmark, Aalborg (DK)
Home Supervisor: Professor Ole Pihl
Host Institution: Institute of Landscape Architecture BOKU, Vienna (Austria)
Host Supervisor: Dr Eva Schwab
Period: 2013-09-02 to 2013-11-30
COST-STSM-TU1201-14575 - Environmental analysis of land use changes in green infrastructure of city (allotment gardens)
Name: Ms Kamila Stachura
Degree: Master student in environmental protection
Home Institution: Adam Mickiewicz University, Artura Grattgera 46 (PL)
Home Supervisor: Professor Andrzej Mizgajski
Host Institution: University of Salzburg, Salzburg (AT)
Host Supervisor: Dr Annette Voigt
Period: 2013-09-02 to 2013-11-01
Work Plan Summary
Final Report
COST-STSM-TU1201-14615 - The new community gardens in Southern Europe
Name: Ms Nerea Moran
Degree: PhD student in Architecture
Home Institution: Technical University of Madrid - UPM, Madrid (Spain)
Home Supervisor: Dr. Agustín Hernández Aja
Host Institution: National Technical University of Athens, Athens (Greece)
Host Supervisor: Dr Stavros Stavrides
Period: 2013-07-29 to 2013-08-19
COST-STSM-TU1201-14618 - social aspects of community gardens and urban allotments in the context of post-Soviet countries
Name: Ms Ilona Feklistova
Degree: Master student in Landscape Architecture
Home Institution: Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia)
Home Supervisor: Professor Simon Bell
Host Institution: Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Warsaw(Poland)
Host Supervisor: Dr Renata Giedych
Period: 2013-07-18 to 2013-07-31
COST-STSM-TU1201-14814 - Evaluating hydrological controls on the migration of metallic contaminants in urban soil
Name: Ms Uche Chukwura
Degree: PhD student in Geology
Home Institution: University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, Renfrewshire (United Kingdom)
Home Supervisor: Professor Andrew Hursthouse
Host Institution: National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC), Lisbon (Portugal)
Host Supervisor: Dr Teresa Leitao
Period: 2013-10-14 to 2013-11-14
COST-STSM-TU1201-14846 - Problems of allotment gardens development Warsaw and Tallinn comparative studies
Name: Ms Hanna Szumilas
Degree: Master student in Landscape Architecture
Home Institution: Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw (Poland)
Home Supervisor: Dr Renata Giedych
Host Institution: Estonian University of Life Sciences ,Tartu (Estonia)
Host Supervisor: Professor Simon Bell
Period: 2013-09-30 to 2013-10-13
COST-STSM-TU1201-15117 - Similarities and differences between urban gardens of southern Spain and southern France
Name: Mr Raul Puente
Degree: PhD Student in Architecture
Home Institution: Asuero, Universidad Pablo De Olavide, Sevilla (Spain)
Home Supervisor:
Host Institution: Aix-Marseille University, Marseille (France)
Host Supervisor: Dr Nicole Darmon
Period: 2013-11-10 to 2013-11-25