Management Committee Member
WG 2 Sociology

Research interests
Beata J. Gawryszewska PhD. – Landscape architect, alumnus of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS – SGGW). Assistant professor in the Department of Landscape Art at WULS – SGGW. Specializes in the theory of garden and the inhabited space (e.g. home garden, allotment garden, neighborhood yard, community space). Doctor's degree in agricultural sciences, thesis "Struktura wspólczesnego ogrodu rodzinnego" (The structure of contemporary family garden), Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland.
The author of a number of projects and realizations of social, community & family gardens as well as numerous publications on the art of gardening, social space analysis, urban inhabiting space revitalisation, home&social space design theory and management. Last book "Garden as a place in the inhabiting landscape" consisted of three parts: Characteristics of the process of creating the garden as a place of living space in the structure and specifying of the described rules; developing a set of techniques for identifying the structure of space by evaluating the state of residence as a predictor of the process; proposing an algorithm of actions recommended after the diagnosis in order to comply with local revitalization programs. (Gawryszewska B.J., 2013: Ogród jako miejsce w krajobrazie zamieszkiwanym, Wyd. Wies Jutra, Warszawa, ISBN 978-83-62815-18-0)